
Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Curiousity Topic Week 2

I wonder how did rugby first start.

From (website) I learnt how rugby started. It is believed that rugby started in 1823. It began when William Webb Ellis ignored football rules at a school football game and first took the ball in his arm and started running. How rugby is played is you pass the ball and kick the ball to the end. They put fifteen people on the field and they score how many point they got after game and they kick the ball to the end to score. 

Curiosity Topics

Week 3
16 May 2018 
Topic 1: Schools

I wonder... how schools all began. The term 'school' derives from the Greek term sch ole which means, '"leisure" which then later went on to mean, "a group to whom lecture were given to in schools". The idea of grouping student together in a centralised location for learning began back in the Classical Era. The Eastern Roman Empire first started the schooling system beginning at the primary level. According to Traditions and Encounters, the founding of the primary education system began in 425 A.D. and "... military personnel usually had at least a primary education ...". Many of the earlier public schools in the United States were one-room schools where a single teacher taught seven grades of boys and girls in the same classroom. Beginning in the 1920's, one-room schools were built into multiple classroom facilities.